4 Feb 2008

Catalogue retailer

Today I was out for a computer headset. I first entered a shop run by an old Pakistani couple. When I asked the man if he had what I needed, he said: "I think so but I wouldn't know where, it is quite a mess in here." I looked around me and realised I had to rest my case.

I ended up in Argos, a catalogue retailer. I have never seen something alike on the continent, but here in London, yes. A catalogue retailer has shops with catalogues where customers can look at. Each item in the catalogue has a code and next to each catalogue there is an old machine where you enter the code of the product you are interested in. The machine answers you if the item is currently in stock. If so, you can write the code on a paper and go to pay. Once you have paid, you can receive your stuff.

If this system is really more efficient than a normal shop? I have my doubts.


Anonymous said...

Hello there!
This is Kaisa, one of the Finnish girls you met at Notting Hill arts club that one night. I know it's been awhile, I just haven't had much time to be online lately. I promised to leave a comment here and now I'm finally doing it! Finnish people always keep their promises, we are very trustworthy :-D
I can see that you've had quite an interesting time in London, it seems really nice. I'm really enjoying your blog, it's very entertaining and makes me want to go back to London as soon as I can!

I wish you all the best for your life there, and whenever I get the chance to visit there I will let you know so we can set up a meeting!


Anonymous said...

There is a similar chain of shops in Holland. Everything is behind glass and you you only get your item once you pay. I suppose they lose much less cash to theft.